A380 flights out of SFO

To fly an Airbus A380 out of San Francisco (SFO), there are 4 destination choices. Info about these flights is listed below. Flight schedules and equipment do change, so while the below is accurate as of the time of writing this post, some info may have changed. Travelers should check schedules and confirm the type of aircraft being used before a flight.

San Francisco (SFO) to Dubai (DXB) – Emirates, A380-800, 1 flight per day, depart 4:45pm -> arrive 7:25pm next day, 15hr 40min.

San Francisco (SFO) to Frankfurt – Lufthansa, A380-800, 1 380 flight per day, depart 3:00pm -> arrive 10:55am next day, 10hr 55min flight.

San Francisco (SFO) to London (LHR) – British Airways, A380-800, 1 380 flight a day, depart 7:35pm -> arrive 2:00pm plus one day, 10hr 25min flight.

San Francisco (SFO) to Paris (CDG) – Air France, A380-800, 1 380 flight per day, depart 3:05pm -> arrive 10:50am the next day, a 10 hour 45 minute flight.